This is Timmy.
Yes, I named my tumor, Timmy The Tumor. We all know you're jealous. I was diagnosed when I was 16 years old and a Junior in high school. Timmy is a grade one Juvenile Pylocytic Astrocytoma that had been growing since the first grade (I was in 11th when I was diagnosed). I spent 3 straight months in Hasbro Hospital (the first time) and have had ten brain surgeries to date. Thankfully however my neurosurgeon was able to remove most of Timmy was removed back in 2008 but in recent scans they have found some regrowth. I also have a Codman Programmable Brain Shunt (named Sasha). She drains the excess spinal cord fluid from my brain into my stomach because my ventricles were so scarred from the tumor, a brain infection, and the surgeries that they no longer do it themselves.
In my spare time I'm pretty much a normal person with the occasional brain seizure, loss of memory, or whatever. But I try not to let things get in my way... I'm double majoring at the moment in Social Work and Youth Development. My dream would someday be to work at Hasbro Hospital and be able to give back.